For an observed data $\mathbf{x}$, we might posit the existence of an unobserved data $\mathbf{z}$ and include it in model $p(\mathbf{x,z}\mid \theta)$. This is called a latent variable model. The question is, why bother? It turns out that in many cases, learning $\theta$ with the marginal log likelihood $p(\mathbf{x}\mid \theta)$ is hard, whereas learning with the joint likelihood with a complete data set $p(\mathbf{x,z}\mid \theta)$ is relatively easy. GMM is one such case.
Mixtures of Gaussians (GMM) GMM as a joint distribution Suppose a random vector $\mathbf{x}$ follows a $K$ Gaussian mixture distribution,
$$ p(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{k=1}^K \pi_k N(\mathbf{x}\mid \boldsymbol{\mu_k, \Sigma_k}) $$ Knowing the distribution means we have complete information about the set of parameters $\pi_k, \boldsymbol{\mu_k, \Sigma_k}$ for all $k$. Let us say that the parameter $\pi_k$ is shrouded, and instead we have a random variable $\mathbf{z}$ with $1-to-K$ coding where exactly one of $K$ elements (say $z_k$) be $1$ while all else are $0$.
Gaussian mixture model is a widely used probabilistic model. For inference (model learning), we may use either EM algorithm which is a MLE approach or use Bayesian approach, which leads to variational inference. We would study this topic next week. For now, let us introduce one of the well-known nonparameteric methods for unsupervised learning, and introduce Gaussian mixture as a parametric counterpart.
K-means clustering Let us suppose that we know the total number of clusters is fixed as $K$.